Wednesday, 25 January 2017

Essay Plan- Research and Planning

In Year 12 we made a film opening about a group of children who form a close friendship and start a club where they board games...
In Year 13 we made a music video for a indie artist with a rural and deranged theme...

Possibly including:
Presenting research- deciding on our own presentation techniques based on what we were researching and what would work best for us
Research skills- being self-driven, figuring out things for ourselves in terms of editing and research. Much more independent than year 12. 

Tuesday, 24 January 2017

Exam Overview

OCR G325
  • The exam is 2 hours long
  • You spend 1 hour on each section
  • Have to answer 2 questions from Section A
  • And spend 30 minutes on each of these individual questions 
  • Section A is worth 50 marks (25 marks for each Q) and Section B is worth 50 marks
Section A- about our coursework
Section B- Collective Identity (representations of British youth)

There are four possible subjects our Section A questions could be about:
  1. Digital Technology 
  2. Research and Planning 
  3. Post-Production (editing, sound etc)
  4. Using conventions from research texts 
  5. They could also feature a creativity angle such as: 'How creative were you in your research and planning?'