Theorists used: Levi Strauss, Todorov, Propp, Barthes
Paragraph 1/Introduction:
Narrative- telling a story, plot and character
Start by giving a brief summary of our film opening and its plot
Paragraph 2: Levi Strauss
To make a narrative interesting you need binary opposites e.g: indoors/outdoors, young/old
For our film opening we will use the binary opposites: children/teenagers, conflicting personalities, indoors/outdoors, our group/other teenagers, boys/girls
Showing how we applied this theory to our narrative
Paragraph 3: Todorov
Equilibrium- which we apply to our narrative
Four friends start high school (all is good), then they start to drift apart as some become more popular and forget about the club and their friends (disruption), struggle to stay friends, then something happens and they realise the importance of true friendship (all id good again).
Showing how we applied this theory to our narrative- development of the equilibrium
Paragraph 4: Barthes
Codes- action, symbolic, enigma
Action: us walking into the school, us playing games together
Enigma: what will happen? will they stay friends?
Symbolic: link between the name of the film and the game we play (connect four), everything in the background is symbolic to ourselves- games, movies, toys etc
Showing how we applied this theory to our narrative
Explain how we benefitted from knowing about these theorists and how they aided and made our narrative more interesting
Titles on games are also symbolic also male/female